About Us


Ever since its establishment of the former Sapporo Agricultural College in 1876, Hokkaido University has been seeking to contribute to the development of a sustainable society by utilizing its vast lands, including both the Sapporo and Hakodate campuses, as well as experimental farms, ranches, botanical gardens, research forests that are among the largest university forests in the world, and fisheries stations. More recently, toward the 150th anniversary of the University’s founding in 2026, Hokkaido University has set forth a Future Strategy titled “Contributing Towards the Resolution of Global Issues” to strengthen its educational and research activities that contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

To further advance these efforts, in 2021, Hokkaido University established the “Institute for the Advancement of Sustainability” as a platform to promote education, research, social collaboration, and building sustainable campus to create a sustainable society by unitizing the University’s physical and intellectual assets and collaborating with various stakeholders.

In current years, we recognize that the sustainability of the earth is at stake due to rapid climate change, various socioeconomic factors, and the outbreak of conflicts. In such a situation, the University formulated “HU VISION 2030” in July 2023, setting the target year for 2030, aiming to realize a sustainable well-being society. HU VISION 2030 declares our commitment to Excellence, that is Education and Research Excellence in Science and Technology, and Extension, that is Ability to Expand Education and Research into Society and Solve Regional Issues, and contributing to the achievement of the SDGs.

With its activities, the Institute aims to spread the concepts of sustainability and the SDGs throughout the University, so that all its members will be able to work with vibrancy and dignity, and achieve their fullest potential. That will foster a sense of engagement, that is unity, throughout the University and ethical standards of the SDGs’ framework so as to strengthen the comprehensive strength of the University. These enhance the value of the University in society and foster engagement outside of the University, empathy. With these engagement of inside and outside of the University, and collaboration with various stakeholders, we will contribute building a sustainable future.

YOKOTA Atsushi, Director, Institute for the Advancement of Sustainability