グリーン・スマート・サステイナブルキャンパスの実現を目指して 〜「SDGs達成への取り組み」から「世界の課題解決」に貢献する〜


The Hokkaido University Institute for the Advancement of Sustainability is a platform for promoting education, research, social collaboration, and sustainable campus construction that contributes to building a sustainable society.
To utilize the rich assets of large lush green campus that serves as a living laboratory in a cold snowy region, the world's largest research forest of 70,000 hectares, and rural fields in coastal areas, etc., the three divisions, "Campus Management Division" to promote building a sustainable campus, "SDGs Initiative Division" to promote education, research, social collaboration, and public relations related to the SDGs, and "Carbon Neutrality Initiative Division" to solve the issues of climate change and biodiversity, are integrated to engage with internal and external stakeholders to coordinate to promote sustainability at the University.

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Sustainability Report


The Sustainability Report is issued annually in September and available on the web.

Assessment of Our Sustainability

ASSC(Assessment System for Sustainable Campus)


We are utilizing ASSC to create our sustainable campus. The results of our ASSC assessment are available.

THE Impact Rankings


THE Impact Rankings are the global performance that assess universities against Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Use of ASSC

ASSC is currently operated by CAS-Net JAPAN. For more information, please click "read more.”

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